Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zmao?

A basic term for everything, sometimes used in slang for Drugs and drug Paraphernalia. Sometimes if you listen real carefully Gym Teachers exclaim it then blow their wistle to act as if they are giving a command.Zmao can be spelled numerous ways, Zmao, Zameho, Zahmehhhooo, zamao, and Zumeaho.

Hey man, did u get the Zmao, for the party? How about the Zmao to smoke it in?

Zmao!!! Time to play basketball!!!

👍29 👎19

zmao - video


Zmao - what is it?

The act of Zumba-ing one's ass off!
(i.e. Zumba-ing My Ass Off! )

Zumba-ing My Ass Off! = ZMAO

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