Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yamaguchi tadashi?

A cute guys with spinach hair, he's personality is very normal but something about him make him cute... He's very unconfident, he think everyone is better than him since all the first years have special technique except him but i don't think should be insecure about that! He's also the biggest Tsukishima supporter! TsukiYams supremacy!

Girl 1 : Tadashi Yamaguchi is so cute!

Girl 2 : Ur so right! What a cinnamon roll
Yamaguchi : Excuse.. Me ? 🤔
Tall smart fries : *Irritated face*

👍31 👎11

yamaguchi tadashi - video


Yamaguchi tadashi - what is it?

Smol cinnamon roll that will kill you with his very average float serve. Also very gay for the tall french fry that is Tsukishima Kei

Person 1: Have you seen the new haikyuu episode?
Person 2: no, why?
Person 1: Yamaguchi Tadashi finally got the float serve right!
Person 2: oh my god, my smol child is growing up

👍341 👎23