Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yaddida?

A shorter version of Yaddidamean, or Yaddidaidig

meaning You know what I mean, or in response to a questions, Yes, I understand - or can be said in agreeance, like a second to the notion.

Kristen: Damn I love this song!
Nina: Yaddida!

Kristen: Dude, that bitch is nasty - Yadidaidig?
Nina: Yadidaidig!

👍47 👎11

yaddida - video

Yaddida - what is it?

whatever you want it to be. YA-DID-I MEAN?
you can also put your hands together and rub them together before you say yadiddddiaaa DIGG? or roll your tounge like mac dre. yarrrrrrrrirrrrrrra holla?

yaddida mean??

we need privileged heem
yadidiii mean?

hey man we thizzin' yaddidiie?
yeah for sho yaddida meann

👍31 👎15