Definder - what does the word mean?

What is woooooooooow?

People say this when they see someone do something really REALLY dumb or retarded

like for say someone like trips over something really obvious. the person who had saw this would be like wooooow almost in a bitchy way. This saying gets really annoying. dont say i did nto warn you.

*person 1, walks into wall*
*person 2* woooooooooow

👍29 👎19

woooooooooow - meme gif

woooooooooow meme gif

woooooooooow - video


Woooooooooow - what is it?

An over exaggerated wow. Spoken as if you were wario.


James says: Shut up nick
Nick says: woooooooooow

👍51 👎17