Definder - what does the word mean?

What is widgy?

Someone whose long and bent nose is always running

Girl 'You're quite attractive'
Mike 'achoo'
Girl 'oh god, you've got a bloody widgy-nose'

👍27 👎13

widgy - video


Widgy - what is it?

what i dont get it. I don't understand!

bill: .... its weird tho. but its kl

Bob: widgi (wi-gee)

👍29 👎17

What does "widgy" mean?

A term used by the young (eg me as a kid) to describe the female genatalia. Can be shortened to widge.

"Good day at school darling?"
"Mary showed me her widgie."

👍65 👎71

Widgy - what does it mean?

A your masters word for his pre-pubescent wee-wee maker

"hey Gladys!", shouted Paul, "if I show you mi Widgie can I touch your fanny??".

👍41 👎15

Widgy - meaning

The name given to girls in the youth subculture that existed in Australia and New Zealand in the 1950s

Bodgies & Widgies are youth gone wild

👍37 👎13

Widgy - definition

widgy can mean two different things the first being penus and the second being that small fringe underneath your actuall fringe which is often blonde and a centimetre in length

girl: omigod my widgy is growing so long!
boy:whoar babe u have a dick??
(for all you remtards the girl means hair widgy! the boy means dick!)

👍55 👎73

Widgy - slang

That looks a bit wrong, but not to the point of being a total train wreck.

Your website looks a bit widgy in my browser.

👍65 👎31