Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wheelchaired?

The hardest part of a vegetable to eat

Person 1: man I can't wait to eat these vegetables

Person 1: CRONCH
Person 1: man I forgot to remove the wheelchairs

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wheelchaired - meme gif

wheelchaired meme gif

wheelchaired - video


Wheelchaired - what is it?

A type of hybrid cannabis. A very peculiar breed. Effects are much more strong and different than regular mids.

Hook me up with some of that wheelchair.

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What does "wheelchaired" mean?

A talking wheelchair who's after Eh Steve and is voiced by Bubs.

I'm gonna get you Eh Steve if it's the last thing I dooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

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Wheelchaired - what does it mean?

verb - to fuck someone so hard that they cannot walk

"did you bang that chick last night?"
"bang her?? i fuckin' WHEELCHAIRED her, bro!"

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Wheelchaired - meaning

A chair with wheels used by incapacitated people.

Tim hast to go now with a wheelchair because he had an accident.

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Wheelchaired - definition

verb- the act of using a wheelchair to bullshit your way into grand national finals

Union is a band that used wheelchairing to get themselves into GNF.

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Wheelchaired - slang

The mexican way of saying "We'll Share"

Hey Jaime, Lupe only left us one enchilada but is ok, wheelchair

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A funny thing to fall backwards in

Yo teacher u missed what happened yesterday. Nick fell back in hailey’s wheelchair.

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When a woman jacks off two men standing behind her at the same time, thus giving the appearance of propelling a wheelchair.

I saw Geraldine wheelchairing those dudes behind the Steak'n'Shake last night!

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when a small girl, usually shorter than 5'4, gets demolished by a huge guy (usually black), upwards of 6 feet. Their sex results in the smaller girl being bound to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

"Yo Meg just got demolished by that black football player"

"Yeah bro he totally Wheelchaired her!"

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