Definder - what does the word mean?

What is whats the plan?

said after a major fuck-up to the fucker, usually uttered by the fuckee.

c.f. WTF

Origin: ABC's Modern Family, S02E01 As the family car rolls off the cliff, Claire says to Phil "What's the plan, Phil"

Dude, you dropped a deuce on the boss's desk and stuck my business card in it? What's the plan, Phil.

You forget to pay the mortgage and now we're homeless? What's the plan, Phil.

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whats the plan - video

Whats the plan - what is it?

From "Modern Family". Statement intended to mock and express bewilderment at someone else's actions. Similar sentiment to "what the hell are you doing!?"

In Modern Family S02.E01, Phil and Claire's family exit the old family station wagon. It begins rolling backwards towards the cliff. Phil's reaction, rather than to try to get into the car and hit the brake, is to leap on the hood and grab on, spread-eagled. Claire looks at him with a baffled expression and screams, "What's the plan, Phil?!"

👍109 👎15

What does "whats the plan" mean?

Teenage Lingo for... How are we gonna fuck shit up today?

(Wakes up hungover after a wild night) "Whats the plan guys, round 2?"

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