Definder - what does the word mean?

What is welcher?

When someone makes a bet and backs out after they lose.

saad - hey arfa ill change my pfp if you get 95+ in geo

arfa - ok
arfa - done
saad - y-you ch-weated uwu im scared TwT
arfa - Welcher. fr!!!!!!!!!

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welcher - meme gif

welcher meme gif

welcher - video

Welcher - what is it?

One who fails to pay on a bet, such as to leave a website for good. Synonyms to Sac of Steel

Sac is a WELCHER for not paying his bet.

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What does "welcher" mean?

A person that backs out of a bet or deal.

sarah- I bet you'll like the movie. If not you can make me watch that show you like for 122 minutes. a time exchange.
Annie- Ok. let's do it!
Sarah- I know you'll love it!!!! it's a deal then.
Annie- Deal!
Sarah yay.
Annie- Actually, I won't watch it. I won't do it!!!
sarah- Welcher....

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Welcher - what does it mean?

When someone makes a bet and refuses to pay.

Mark bet me $10 that Kevin Bacon was an Army lawyer and not a Marine lawyer. When he saw that he was a Marine lawyer, he didn't pay up. What a welcher

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Welcher - meaning

Someone who doesn't pay up on their bets.

I bet Dana 8 burritos that the US would win the America's Cup and he refused to pay. Classic Welcher.

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Welcher - definition

an enormously gay man who likes to jizz in his partner's ass and slurp out the man-juice with a straw

" ken is such a welcher"

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Welcher - slang

idiotic, blundering fool

dayam you bizatch ass, quitit with teh welcherness

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A very offensive racial slur for a Welsh person. A Welshman will kick your ass if you say it!

Pompous Englishman: Oh dear, get out of my way you dirty welcher!
Proud Welshman: Fuck you, you bloody stucky up english arsehole! (Kicks englishman's ass.)

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A man who bets but doesn’t pay up.

Cian bet Ben $610 at hit the post and lost.

Ben: β€œThat’s $610 you owe me big son.”

Cian: β€œNa you’re ok.”

Ben: β€œFucking welcher!”

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someone who refuses to pay his or her debts after a bet

I bet him $20 that the Dallas Cowboys would beat the Washington Redskins and when they did the welcher refused to pay

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