Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vulcanize?

In Roman mythology, the god of fire.
Greek equivalent: Hephaestus

Although these days the term Vulcan is most commonly used to refer to a (fictional) Star Trek race, it has its originations in Roman mythology.

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Vulcanize - what is it?

A 20mm automatic cannon with a very high rate of fire (rof). Usually aircraft mounted.

I used the vulcan gun to mow down all of the innocent little chipminks.

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What does "vulcanize" mean?

An ancient race of humanoids from planet of the same name. Some famous Vulcans include Spock, Sarek, Surak, T'Pau. T'Pol' T'Pring

Dude, just go Vulcan when the cop catches up and pulls us over.

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Vulcanize - what does it mean?

To make the Vulcan "Live long and Prosper" hand salute, then inserting 2 fingers into the vaginal opening (normally the index and middle fingers), and 2 into the anus (rather than just 1, like the shocker). "2 in the pink, 2 in the stink". This is usually performed when she is laying back, in the "deep thrust" postion.

The Vulcan neck pinch is not half as powerful as the Vulcanizer, but much cleaner

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Vulcanize - meaning

Two in the Pink, two in the stink. Then begin to do the Vulcan greeting sign from Star Trek. Use your thumb for the clit.

Here comes the Vulcan.... Oh, you like it when Spock says hello, dont you!

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Vulcanize - definition

To instruct someone to think logically and not to blinded by human emotion.

Paul: Danielle keeps messing me around bruv! what do u think i should do?

Josh: Be Vulcan

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Vulcanize - slang

The Vulcan is a sexual practice in which two fingers are placed in the vagina and the other two fingers on the same hand are placed in the anus with the hand doing the Vulcan sign as a result

Awww dude, this girl was so hot I took her home and gave her the Vulcan

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A tiny in town in Alberta, Canada. After 'Star Trek' became popular the town capitalized on the name coincidence. There's a ton of Star Trek stuff in this town - murals, a huge starship, a space station that doubles as the town visitor center.

Dude! I just went to Vulcan! They've got great burgers there.

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{verb}.: To penetrate her cunt with your index & middle finger while simultaneously frigging her browneye with the leftover ring & pinky fingers.
2 in the cunt, 2 in the rump
obviously named after that Vulcan, Mr. Spock's hand gesture. come on he was the biggest perv on that show. he showed it to Uhura all the time.

homie: wait you gave her the love gun last night?
me: actually I vulcanized her instead.
she's freaky-deaky dutch like that

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To throw something in anger onto a hot stove or other scalding surface.

Keep that up and I'll be forced to vulcanize you on this here hibachi.

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