Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vato's?

one of the most evil creatures in Georgian mythology who got dumped twice by the same girl

vato and akaki talking


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vato's - meme gif

vato's meme gif

vato's - video


Vato's - what is it?

Hispanic word. roughly translated as 'friend'. kind of like homie or blud.

ayo, what'z goin' on vato?

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What does "vato's" mean?

The word Vato is Spanish for "dude", or "man" - made popular by the song appropriately named "Vato" by Snoop Dogg featuring B-Real and Pharrell.

"Vato you wont believe what I saw,
I saw these pack a gangs and they act real hard..."

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Vato's - what does it mean?

Vato is mostly used by mexicans, the word is used in place of "man"..

1.Fucken Vato stole my girl!!
2.Hey girl your Vato is fine!!
3. That Vato crazy!!

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Vato's - meaning

Cool mexican guys.Similar to Homies.

My vatos are locos, and their gonna kill your family.

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Vato's - definition

dudes, guys

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Vato's - slang

"homeboy", "dude", "guy"
Mexican-American Spanish slang

que paso ese vato loco.

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Mexican slang for "man"... there is some kind of respect implicit on this word to the guy referred as vato. Vato is a guy who means business.

The instance Bato instead of Vato should be more appropiate as it sounds on the streets. But grammatically, both words are correct because this word hasn't been ruled by any Language academy so far.

Vato is not the same as gรผey. Gรผey does not implies respect. Gรผey is more alike to be pejorative or familiar depending the way it is applied.

Fuรญ con este vato y me dijo que tu ranfla ya no sirve รฉse...
Que pasรณ vato, hace un buen que no te wachabamos por acรก en el cantรณn...

Saludos desde Juaritos Raza!!

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the word mexicans use for homeboy

1. que paso vato?
2. yo soy un vato loco

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Mexican OG for duuude

Eh, vato? Whassup???

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