Definder - what does the word mean?

What is upcloud?

To upcloud is to upload data to the cloud. Upclouding is the process of doing this; upclouded is the process completed.

Arthur! Donโ€™t be so old fashioned, you no longer need to store your data on a hard drive, USB drive, DVD and so on. Just UPCLOUD it. It's safe and secure and can be accessed from anywhere. Iโ€™m gonna do some upclouding later. Most of my data has now been upclouded.

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upcloud - video


Upcloud - what is it?

To upcloud is to upload data to the cloud. Upclouding is the process of doing this; upclouded is the process completed

Arthur! Donโ€™t be so old fashioned, you no longer need to store your data on a hard drive, USB drive, DVD and so on. Just UPCLOUD it. It's safe and secure and can be accessed from anywhere. Iโ€™m gonna do some upclouding later. Most of my data has now been upclouded.

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