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What is unine?

The 2nd generation boy group of IQIYI.

But unlike NINEPERCENT this group is known in China as the group that flopped.

Li Wenhan
Guan Yue (Guan Guolin /Bento)
Li Zhenning(Li Zhenping /Kiwi)
Yao Mingming
Xia Hanyu
He Changxi (He Wei/Jerry)
Chen Youwei (Chen Shuaihong)
Jia Yi (Huang Jiaxin)
Hu Chunyang

X: did you know that IQIYI made another boy group?

Y: yeah it's called UNINE but I heard it flopped badly because of the song 'BOMBA'

👍27 👎17

unine - meme gif

unine meme gif

unine - video
