Definder - what does the word mean?

What is trumpin'?

The act of grabbing a woman by the pussy. Can also be used to describe cocaine use. The act of behaving foolishly or erratically. To be descriminatory towards Mexicans and Muslims; sometimes the blacks, we usually get along though. To come off task, and or get distracted.

Origin: Term originated in Atlanta to get away with saying the phrase "Grab them by the pussy"

Ben: Hey man did you hear Donald Trumps audio leak?

Tom: The one where he was talking about trumpin?

Ben: Yeah man, that dude hella trumpin.

Tom: Bruh he was sniffling his nose again, you know he was probably trumpin back stage.

Ben: I really don't know how he got this far, he must be giving his followers a really good trumpin. They seem to take really well to it.

Boss: you two quit trumpin, and get back to work.

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trumpin' - meme gif

trumpin' meme gif

trumpin' - video

Trumpin' - what is it?

Verb/adverb or adjective; sometimes Noun. The act of grabbing a woman by the pussy (GEBTP). Can also be used to describe foolish behavior. The act of using racial language, against Mexicans and Muslims (M&Ms); sometimes the blacks not often. To be able to rally several women, usually by the act of grabbing them by the pussy.

To come off task, and or become distracted with stupid things.

To over react, or exaggerate a situation.
Origin: Term created in Atlanta, in order to use the phrase "grab them by the pussy" to prevent disciplinary action for using derogatory language.

Tom:"Did you hear Donald Trump's audio leak?"

Ben: "Bro, yes... this man said he be trumpin women"

Tom: "Hes trumpin his chances to become president every time he uses that kind of language."

Ben: "Bruh, he trumpin hella hard. I'm pretty sure he's a kkk member"

Tom: "Then again, all his supporters are standing by him, so I guess he's trumpin them really good; nice and deep...."

Boss: "you two quit trumpin around and get back to work!! Before I start trumpin both of you!"

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What does "trumpin'" mean?

To actively talk, post, or share about Donald Trump. It doesn't have to be negative, but if your are quoting and or referencing him it will probably seem that way.

Did you just see what our friends were trumpin about on facebook?

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Trumpin' - what does it mean?

1-When two ignorant people breed.
2- When 1st cousins reproduce

Morgan: THOSE two are dating? Gross. Before you know it they’ll Trumpinate

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Trumpin' - meaning

An exaggerated claim. Mostly used to get attention and money. Synonyms include, "You're fired!," and I sleep with my comforts me...shut up. Also associated with multiple bankruptcies and how the hell did I become famous...Nevermind. I'm loud, and I piss people off. Just sign the check.

I just threw some shit at a bunch of monkeys. Totally Trumpin it bro!

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Trumpin' - definition

When a person talks before fully processing the thought.

"Did you hear Don the other day talkin shit?" "Yeah that dude is trumpin."

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Trumpin' - slang

Talking shitΒ³or being a racist , homophobic ,sexist dick.

Damn ,shut up you're trumpin !

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The act of acting like a dimwitted, short sighted, greedy piglet. Origin : - Black Desert Online

The act of destroying mobs in a MMO(RPG)

*destroys a type of mob* damn son! You trumpin these creeps!

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This would be used like dude, you trumpin. Can't control yourself when you experience a direct, implied, or nonexistent attacked on your personal abilities. Responding excessively or unnecessarily on social media.

" you trumpin every time you have to respond to some nonsense on social media. "
Thin skin, can't take a joke, narcissistic, control freak, etc.

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the act of placing oneself above another in any manner, for any situation

Perry: Oh my God! He just punked them fools.
Jerry: Damn straight. He trumpin'.

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