Definder - what does the word mean?

What is trueblood?

hes one bad ass muthafucka. chicks wanna do him, guys wanna be him. freak in the sheets. likes to be the center of attention. occasionally wears womens clothing. manwhore. plays paintball. junior (at the time) at north. been with 5 chicks (at the time). occasional asshole. always flirting. gives great hugs, better kisser.

"dylan trueblood is pretty cool."
see manwhore

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Trueblood - what is it?

SIUC's dining hall by brush towers. It's much like a salvation army for the food indusrty. It's charitable cause is to leave no food uneaten, no matter how nasty or old it may be.

Zach: dude, I'm hungry. Lets go to Trueblood.
Bayley: ok, fine. Just lemme grab the antiacids....

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