Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tre'?

More populary known as a skateboarding trick in which a 360 flip is conducted, to "Tre" also relates to a smoking technique. To "Tre" is to input a blunt of cannabis or tobacco into the bowl of a water pipe as a way of smoking. You can "Tre" a blunt simply by rolling a blunt and smoking it out of a water pipe. It is a simple process that provides a better way of smoking with very little hassle.

John: yo, let's smoke a blunt of marijuanna Paul?

Paul: No John, Let's Tre that blunt of marijuana.

John: What do you mean Paul?

Paul: I mean inputing the blunt in the bowl of the water pipe. It provides a better way of smoking.

John: You are genius Paul.

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tre' - meme gif

tre' meme gif

tre' - video


Tre' - what is it?

A very raw brother and a G and won’t give up on u ever!

Tre my homie

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What does "tre'" mean?

A handsome, smart,amazing, flirty, and athletic guy.He is the best at giving hugs and and kisses he is also a real cutie. And every girl wishes they could have a Tres.

That guy looks like a Tres

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Tre' - what does it mean?

Taking a shit and piss at exactly the same time. 1 + 2 = 3.

After a rough weekend, Jolly achieved the unattainable tres after eating 3 pulled pork sandwiches and a 12 pack.

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Tre' - meaning

the french word for 'very' to express something that is really cool

that is tres cool

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Tre' - definition

A kind and caring soul. He is one of the best people you could ever meet in your lifetime and you'll never love anyone more then him. He puts others first and himself second. He is such a cutie and a real dork. He'll always make you smile and know all the right words to say. He'll have you falling for him in a matter of seconds.

"I wish Tre was my boyfriend."

"Tre is so cute."

"I wish I had a Tre."

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Tre' - slang

the most amazing boy ever. a guy who i will never forget. the boy who can always cheer me up when i've had a bad day. someone i ALWAYS have fun with, no matter what we're doing. the person i want to be with for a long, long time. :)

tre is awsome

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the most sexy man in the world always wheres his hat trusting daring and flirty works hard he is the most beautiful manliest man you will meet tre is someone who watches you back is there for you when you need him trust me everyone needs a tre in there life.

tre is the most manly man in the world

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Tre's are people you can trust.Sometimes they are a jokester but when needed they can be super serious.They are also very talented at writing stories.Tre's are also very smart, they mostly like things having to do with technology and computers.They can also charm the ladies if need be.They are also very cool and imaginative.

Tre is a cool guy.

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Gang term describing the Denver Crips. Denver Crips are commonly called Tre Tre which means very very Crip. Term from 5 points Denver

The Tre Tres were Rollin 30s down 31st street.

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