Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tranz?

a transgender (female to male or male to female) who wants to be with or with another transgender (female to male or male to female).

I am a tranz-sexual because I am a transgender who likes other transgenders.

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Tranz - what is it?

Tranz Bankz simply means, changing from nothing to something.

'Tranz Bankz ' Felix has tranzed to Bankz.

👍29 👎15

What does "tranz" mean?

Tranz Panda is a very important creature to this world it is not a he or a she it’s gender is Tranz Panda! Yes it’s a tranny! But a Tranz Panda was once a woman but disided to become something else somthing greater! Tranz Panda is the greatest thing to live!

“Look at that new kid in class there very special because it’s Tranz Panda

“Don’t get mad at the Tranz Panda, Tranz Panda is just only Cunffuzled”

Steve: “That Girl is amazing”
Sydney: “It’s because it’s not a she”
Steve: “wait what
Sydney: “Thats Tranz Panda”
Steve: “I love Tranz Panda even more”

👍53 👎15

Tranz - what does it mean?

Trance music. Used by ravers.

That DJ spun awesome tranz.The BPM must've been 165!

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