Definder - what does the word mean?

What is transphobe?

Transgender does use Transphobic as a slur to put down biological women and biological men who do not subscribe to woke ideology.

The word 'transphobic' is thrown around too loosely nowadays.

People who generally have no problem with trans people and can co-exist with them in society get told they're transphobic because they do not agree with every transgender issue.

Calling someone a 'transphobe' is quite a strong word; it means they have hate/fear/aversion towards transgender people. But in reality, most people getting called transphobic these days have no such problems and can get along with transgender people.

If someone doesn't want to be called cisgender - you are Transphobic
If someone is against transgender women being in women's sports -you are Transphobic
If anyone calls Jeffery March out on his grooming behaviour - you are Transphobic
If you don't want to be called a chestfeeding - you are Transphobic
If you don't want to be called a birthing person - you are Transphobic
if you don't want to be called pregnant partner - you are Transphobic
if you want to be called a mother- you are Transphobic

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transphobe - meme gif

transphobe meme gif

transphobe - video

Transphobe - what is it?

Someone who criticizes the lgbtqs actions, ackowledges a hive mind or challenges their beliefs in anyway.

Hey, that guy said I have an X and a Y chromosome, he's Transphobic!

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What does "transphobe" mean?


1) A person who has a fear of transsexual people.

2) A last-ditch effort to undermine someone you don’t agree with when you have no factual explanation for why you think they’re wronf

Person 1: I’m flattered but I’m not into guys.

Person 2: *screams* You’re transphobic!
Person 1: Well no, it’s just the whole β€œpenis”thing and you being a dude and all…
Person 2: Rabble! Rabble rabble rabble!

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Transphobe - what does it mean?

Someone who is afraid of transcontinental travel. Kind of like an agoraphobe but they are okay to leave the house.

I would go to Canada but I'm too much of a transphobe to travel that far.

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Transphobe - meaning

Fear of transformers I think? I dunno I never watched the movies.

Person 1: I am transphobic, afraid of transformers that is!

Person 2: Just fucking stop Derrek you're not funny.

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Transphobe - definition

A transphobe is a person who has an aversion to transgender people. These people are usually not very smart and are unaccepting of transgender individuals within the binary and out of the binary. There are a lot of these people in the U.S. and many other countries which has brought the suicide rates of trans people to almost half. Subtle transphobes also will never seem to admit that they're being transphobic. If you are a transphobe... stop, get some help.

Emily: I'm so supportive of trans people!!!
Kai: I'm transgender and use neopronouns thank you.
Emily: Neopronouns aren't valid.
Kai: You are being a transphobe.

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Transphobe - slang


1. Someone so mistakenly confident in their understanding of science, biology, and psychology that it's laughable.
2. Code word for someone who is so morally grotesque and mentally stunted that using a more proper term would result in a 30-day ban on social media.
3. Someone "who ain't" afraid of transgender people.

Cousin Teddy thinks Caitlyn Jenner is a man, he's such a transphobe.

Aunt Marge is such a transphobe, she thinks DNA determines someone's gender.

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Someone who is against or doesn't like someone that is or will be transgender

There are so many transphobes against Caitlyn Jenner

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bro, you're such a transphobe, a penis or vagina does not determine if one is a male or a female. sex and gender are two different things (actually true btw go cry about it)

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1. Non insane person, capable of distinguishing a boy from a girl, who opposes the "human right" of men cosplaying as women to prance into womens' loos and locker rooms and waiver their erections around in 9-year old girls' faces.

2. Not a sociopath--a decent human-being who believe it is morally wrong to sterilize pre-pubescent children and/or slice the breasts/penises off of young teenagers.

1. "Sorry Dave--I don't believe you have a 'human right" to follow my pre-teen daughter into the ladies' locker room and show her your hard penis."

'You goddamn transphobe!"

2. "Hey Fred--do you want to help me trans your son I can get you a price break if you want to have his penis chopped off."

"Dan--he's 11 years old--maybe later."

"You goddamn transphobe!"

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