Definder - what does the word mean?

What is thermo?

A weapon that is used by vsco girl wannabes who post TikToks every day and can only afford a Thermo Flask. They get so aggravated when they realize there's a dent on the water bottle, even though there was probably already a dent on it when they got their Thermo Flask at Five Below. Sometimes, they even pretend their Thermo Flask is a Hydro Flask, which is honestly no better.

Vsco Wannabe: "Check out my new Hydro Flask," *Hides the Thermo Flask label*
Vsco Girl: "Isn't that a Thermo Flask?"
Vsco Wannabe: "Shutthefuckup it's Hydro Flask!" *Whacks the girl in the face with her Thermo Flask*

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thermo - meme gif

thermo meme gif

thermo - video


Thermo - what is it?

1. A kid who loves to make sandwhichs.

2. A Legend.

3. Someone from compton.

1. Can i have a sandwhich? yeah sure Thermo will get it.

2. That guy is a legend.

You mean that guy is Thermo.

3. Thermo is from compton.

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What does "thermo" mean?

See "Hammer Toe"

That Jeff is such a thermos!

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Thermo - what does it mean?

A large phallus. has been seen roaming southern Indiana and many foreign countrys. Is gentle when aproached can be petted gently

Wow the Thermos broke my ass muscles!

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Thermo - meaning

Thermos: part of speech adj/ meaning often used to describe a person of large stature. Someone who is tall and round and looks like a thermos.

Dale:Would you look at that big man over yonder jansen.
Jansen: Oh my god that man is such a thermos.

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Thermo - definition

The most amazing invention of the 20th century.

It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. "How do it know?"

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Thermo - slang

A penis with an enormous amount of girth but of average length

Hey bro, I was beside Jeff at the urinals and I couldn’t help but notice, he has a nice thermos

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A street that has a dead end at one end in the shape of a thermometer.

Person 1: Hey wanna go to that dead end?
Person 2: You mean thermo?
Person 1: Yeah that one.

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hot or cold

Man dat's thermo!

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1. a bad joke

2. something that makes no sense at all, WTF mate.

3. exam that kicks your ass.

4. excuse to get drunk on a Wednesday night when you have an 8.30 class the next morning.

After thermo I was waiting for my prof to yell "april fools" but he didnt. That crap was not funny, so we went home and pounded down some jose cuervo.

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