Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the four s's?

this is a drinking game for any sport if you modify the rules

rules: every player has to have 2 pre-game shots. during the first half of the game (first and second quarter) the players have to have 4 shots. from halftime to the end of the game each player has to drink 5 beers.

on a sunday football game, get all your friends together and play four 1/4's

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the four s's - video


The four s's - what is it?

The things to do before going on a date. All will go well if you do.

1) Shit

2) Shower

3) Safety (Masturbate)

4) Shave

Numbers 2 & 3 are interchangeable.

"Man i'm glad i did the four S prep before going out on friday! That way, i didn't have to worry about smelling bad, looking like a bum, needing to crap, or getting a boner during the date!"

👍35 👎13

What does "the four s's" mean?

Shit Shower Shave Shag

The standard thing to do on a friday night.

"Mate iv done my 3 s's im just going down Northfield for my fourth"

"Yeaaah thats the four s's man"

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