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What is the fabulous Killjoys?

Comes from My Chemical Romances album (Danger Days - the true lives of the fabulous killjoys) concept. The killjoys, Party Poison (Gerard Way), Fun Ghoul (Frank Iero), Kobra Kid (Mikey Way) and Jet Star (Ray Toro) are fighting against the evil Better Living Industries in California, 2019. Korse is the bald guy in charge of BLi, with the Draculoids as henchmen. Other killjoy types, such as Dr Death Defying, are in league with Poison and his gang. The music videos for Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) and Sing are based on this alternate reality.

I loved the music video for Sing, where The Fabulous Killjoys get murdered by Korse and the Dracs!

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the fabulous Killjoys - video
