Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Saint Bernard?

It’s a place of a bunch of suck ups they are mostly fuckers and they are just annoying they are like if your not perfect you don’t fucking fit in it is a catholic fucking boarding school in Alabama cullman and I think you shouldn’t ever go there or definitely board there just being honest

That Saint Bernard prep is a hell hole

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the Saint Bernard - video


The Saint Bernard - what is it?

An extremely hairy vagina area that needs to be tamed.

Kim had to shave her saint bernard before putting on her bikini bottoms for the beach later today.

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What does "the Saint Bernard" mean?

when you cummmmm in a girls mouth and you punch her in the jaw, breaking it, thus she drools like a saint bernard (or a bulldog, you get da picture).

Damn I punched that minger in the face after she bit my dick and she was so high and drunk she just sat there retarded and drooled like a saint bernard. Aight minga?

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The Saint Bernard - what does it mean?

A school full of amazingly great fags on the Upper east side that has done ever girl (and guy) in Manhattan. They compare each others "forests" meaning sexual organs and enjoy seeing one another naked. They can be stupid and prevocotive at times, but we all still love them because they are practically the only hot guys school left. Many of them are hated, but majority is liked very much.

st. b guy: "so you and the girls from your school take showers together right?"
girl: "uh no..."
st. b guy: "are you kidding me? You guys don't see eachother naked?"
girl: "no! why do you guys?"
st. b guy: "yeah! we compare eachothers 'forests' "
other st b. guy: "yeah we even made a list who has the biggest penis"
girls: wow you saint bernards kids are pretty cool"

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The Saint Bernard - meaning

When a woman goes down on you, and you blow your load in her mouth without warning. When she gets the suprise ejaculation and puts her head down and she starts shaking it back and forth as the cum is running out the sides of her mouth like a slobbery saint bernard.

Since she didn't give the dog a bath last night like she promised. I'm giving her The Saint Bernard tonight.

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