Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Real Deal?

Something that is true or legitimate.

Originates from American boxer Evander "Real Deal" Holyfield; popularized as a phrase by Snoop Dogg in "Ain't Nothin' But A G Thang"

"And that's realer than Real Deal Holyfield" - Snoop Dogg

You can get either the generic brand or go for the real deal holyfield if you want the quality kind.

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the Real Deal - video


The Real Deal - what is it?

A true blow job. Her (or his, depending on what you're into) mouth on the shaft, hand cupping the sack, and thumb up the ass. The Real Deal.

Max: "Yo did you get your dick sucked last night?"

Andrew: "Hey man listen, I got better than that...I got the REAL DEAL."

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What does "the Real Deal" mean?

Urban dictionary, in and of itself.

a: Bruh, I looked it up. It's the real deal.
b: where?
a: on Urban dictionary, it's the real deal, man

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The Real Deal - what does it mean?

Often imitated by countless fraudsters, the term "The REAL deal" has long been associated to just one soul that being MPG Betts.
One key difference if one wishes to ascertain if they are in the presence of "the REAL deal" is that you will find The REAL deal is ALWAYS about the place.

Hey Frega! Fish how do you do! love gayta! Pasq I'm "the REAL deal" mate. The REAL deal is about the place!!

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The Real Deal - meaning

gay term used by the drugged out ghetto white kid who lives in my circle instead of fo shizzle

ghetto fag: i thought i told you n' yo boys to stop skating here after dark, for real deal
me: shut the fuck up faggot

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The Real Deal - definition

Another name for heroin.

I drank a six pack, booted some of the real deal, and fell unconscious for a few hours.

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The Real Deal - slang

The act of consensual anal penetration with Julian's sister.

Cameron: Yo Scott! How was you date with Emily last night?
Scott (the real) Deal: It was sick man i totally Real Dealed her.

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The Real Deal

The king-ding-ling big dog. Home of the 9+ whopper and every ladies wet dream

Oh my god Betts, don’t you wish you were the Real Deal like Stef? Yes Pasq, Stef really is the real deal. And a complete fucking legend as well.

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The Real Deal

That girl you just can't quite let go of. Don't.

Mate, she's the real deal...

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The Real Deal

Real = True, exact, no fault, no fake, thrust worthy, clear, absolute etc.

Deal = contact, transaction, barter, exchange etc.

Real Deal = what you are getting is excellent in the above ways

Fred is a real deal type of person, he'd never let you down. Fred is a real-deal man.

When George is given a mission, he's always making sure the assignment is perfectly accomplished. George is a real-deal man.

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