Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Duece?

Word invented by urban internet using morons who don't know how to spell "deuces".

Those retards spelled it "dueces", hahahaha.

👍1347 👎847

the Duece - video


The Duece - what is it?

1. a shit
2. an exlamation

i just dropped a duece

what the duece is going on here?

👍1273 👎735

What does "the Duece" mean?

holding two fingers up in the gesture of the "peace" sign

On the way out of the door, he threw those dueces up and said, "I'll check you all later."

👍1233 👎659

The Duece - what does it mean?

A duece duece is when you take a duece (a shit) and immediately have to take another duece after that.

Man, after eating that taco bell, I had to take a duece duece.

👍75 👎103

The Duece - meaning

22 inch rims

Blingin on tha duece dueces.

👍117 👎195

The Duece - definition

22 ounce alcholic beverage.

I'll take a duece duece and a pack of Newports.

👍113 👎181

The Duece - slang

Similar to "peace" or "peace out" taken from the hand siginal that means "peace"

I'm outta here, man, see you later, dueces

👍2503 👎847

The Duece

when a girl gives head twice in one night

that crazy ho joelle did that duece duece

👍137 👎217

The Duece

A .22 caliber pistol. Used by pussies who can't handle the recoil of a .45 caliber.

I took out my duece duece, flicked off the safety, and let the lead fly.

👍409 👎171

The Duece

22 pistle

👍527 👎127