Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Dream Smp?

A manic place where wars and battles happen and a homeless owner dreamwastaken :)

Omg have you seen the dream smp!

Yes I have it is very pog.

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the Dream Smp - video


The Dream Smp - what is it?

The Dream SMP, an uncontrollable world full of men, women, a pig and one really loud child who spend their days committing war crimes and repeatedly murdering each other

:: Wow I didn't know you could declare war on a peaceful country, murder all their residents and kill all their animals
:: Only on the Dream SMP

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What does "the Dream Smp" mean?

An enderman with memory issues, an anarchist pig, a ghost who once fucked a fish, a green blob, a colorblind bottom, a totem of undying, multiple brocken childrenβ›“πŸ–€πŸ˜­πŸ’€, a guy who died and then said no❀ and came back to life, a furry, and a few normal people all run around trying to do SOMETHING and somehow always end up making millions of people cry and have traumaπŸ˜€

"Wow! Who knew that fucking a Samsung fridge will give you a baby that will eventually destroy his own town??"
"Haha yea the Dream SMP really is something huh.."
"What's the Dream SMP?πŸ˜€"

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The Dream Smp - what does it mean?

The Dream SMP is a Minecraft world created by Minecraft YouTube Dream (aka Dreamwastaken) and his friends. The server was once a normal survival world but has since turned into this legendary role play drama world that is engaging enough that the SMP trends on Twitter around once a week. Most of the role play is improvised and it is incredible to watch the characters develop the plot and have growth (or not) while live on twitch.

The server has many iconic Minecraft players on it such as Dream, Technoblade, Tommyinnit, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, Wilbur Soot, Tubbo, Nikki Nihachu, Philza Minecraft, Skeppy, BBH, and many many more.

One of the greatest things to come out of the SMP are the many animatics on YouTube that fans have created. The most popular ones are by SAD-ist and are basically movie trailers.

β€œWhat’s Trending #1 on Twitter?”
β€œThe Dream SMP”
β€œYeah, it says β€˜In Dream SMP news...’”

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The Dream Smp - meaning

survival multiplayer server owned by popular minecraft youtuber dream. members of the smp roleplay based on a storyline they wrote themselves. lots of angst, wars, governments. super fun to watch, its like a tv show. its got some amazing members. a lot of it is streamed on twitch, you can also find some summaries/clips on youtube. theres a large and growing fandom based around this minecraft server, age range typically 11-19. super entertaining, definitely go check it out :)

do you watch dream smp?
no, but ive heard its good.
you should totally watch it! the fandom is such a great community and the streams are so entertaining :)

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The Dream Smp - definition

A couple of grown men role playing on a Minecraft server

Did you watch the newest war on the dream smp

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The Dream Smp - slang

Dream SMP, also known as; Minecraft Dream Survival Multiplayer is to be described to be a mass gathering of virgins.

Person A: Yo Person B, have you seen those people over there?
Person B: Yeah, it's just a Dream SMP meetup or something.
Person A: Why do they all look the same?
Person B: It's a Dream SMP thing.

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The Dream Smp

a world consisting of three british boys, a green screen, a pig, some egirls and a couple other people where they commit war crimes and start dictatorships.

'hey did you hear about the new dream smp plot?'
'yeah apparently tehyve commited more war crimes and started a dictatorship government wih a rigged election'

πŸ‘93 πŸ‘Ž19

The Dream Smp

A MineCraft SMP owned by the YouTuber β€œDream”(aka green crazed man who has too much clout). In this server there’s death, death, killing pets, blowing up things, drama, death, like 5 wars, death, death, drugs, death, ETC.

Scenario one-
Person1- Hey wanna do drugs?
Person2- Ohhh like the dream SMP? I’m not sure we break out in war
Person1- What

Scenario two-
Person1- Hey did you watch Tommy innet’s stream today?
Person2- Oh the one on the Dream SMP?
Person1- Yah
Person2- I watched it but I had to leave it early
Person1- Oh

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The Dream Smp

The Dream SMP, an uncontrollable world full of men, women, a pig and one really loud child who spend their days committing war crimes and repeatedly murdering each other

::Wow, who knew you could declare war on a peaceful nation and murder all of their animals
::Only on the Dream SMP am I right chat

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