Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Cinnabon?

While flying middle seat on a commercial airliner you and your girl, who had the aisle seat, strip naked and she starts riding you and right before climax she dismounts and you finish on the unassuming Indian passenger that just had to have the window seat.

That jack ass that rushed on the plane to get his window seat just got a Cinnabon Delight. Happy Flying A-hole!

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the Cinnabon - video


The Cinnabon - what is it?

A rather amusing coiling of an unusually long, thin and hairy piece of shit at the bottom of the toilet. See also snain

Alt. definition The dried aromatic inner bark of certain tropical Asian trees in the genus Cinnamomum, also used to garnish a cinnabon

1. Mmmmmmmmmmm.....cinnabon.

2. Duder...I need that spatula to fish out the cinnabon from the toilet...I'm going to garnish it with a little cinnabon too.

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What does "the Cinnabon" mean?

when you take a handful of powdered cinnamon and blow it into your ladies face and then shoot your load onto her face.

I made her face into a cinnabon like a champ last night.

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The Cinnabon - what does it mean?

The act of beating your meat into a XL Trojan condom and proceeding to freeze your sticky love juice. While then preheating the oven to 325Β° to bake your cinnamon roll. Once cinnamon rolls have to been baked to perfection. Defrost XL Trojan condon love juice from prior occassion in the microwave. Slit thy tip of condom. Spread upon cinnamon rolls evenly for an enjoyable tasty experience. HINT* feed but do not tell

β€œThe Cinnabon’s we had last night had my girlfriend swimming for joy this morning.”

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The Cinnabon - meaning

after sex, defecating on your partners chest and topping it off with ejaculate frosting.

What I really want more than anything for my birthday, is for my boyfriend to shit on my chest and then cum on top of it, giving me a cinnabon.

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The Cinnabon - definition

A 'cinnabon' is performed when a woman manually stimulates a man to completion and then licks the cum off of her fingers.

She thanked me for dinner and I offered her a cinnabon for dessert.

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The Cinnabon - slang


1. The result of doggy-style vaginal copulation with a woman while fisting her and alternating hands (i.e. kneading the dough) until rectal prolapse is achieved revealing swirls of fecal matter (i.e. the cinnamon) followed by the male withdrawing from the vagina and ejaculating on the prolapsed mucosa (i.e. applying frosting).

What's that smell? Mmmmmm, it's so familiar…and it's sooooo good! You know what it is…you can taste it…it's Cinnabon! Nothing compares to ooey, gooey, melt-in-your-mouth cinnamon rolls.


We had dinner, then I took her home and made her a cinnabon.

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The Cinnabon

lingo or slang term for the round drum on a gun, looking like a cinnabon

"I just threw 40 out this .40 with the cinnabon" ~ Mozzy
"Posted where you from, I grab the glock with cinnabon" ~ Shootergang Kony

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The Cinnabon

When your penis is so long you need to curl it like a Cinnabon, to get it to fit in your underwear.

Kurt is packing a hammer, we call him Cinnabon because he needs to curl that python into his briefs.

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The Cinnabon

the sensation one gets when smelling a cinnabon and then becoming so excited about having one you become sexually aroused

We would've left the mall sooner, but Toby had a cinnaboner, so we had to stop.

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