Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tha g?

solma tha real g, (aka o.g solma) is one of the realest and most loyal people right now !, she gotchu always, and has a 10/10 music taste with artists including N.W.A, bone thugs n harmony, tupac, etc. shes a mexican chola who enjoys starbucks A LOT, & she has a smile thatll lighten up your day 😎, and is always herself <3

β€œdamn whos that ? she looks so gangster”

β€œdude thats solma tha real g !, shes always there when you need her”
β€œi heard shes super loyal too”
β€œyea shes phuckkin awesome, and funny”

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tha g - video


Tha g - what is it?

solma tha real g, ($olma-s, o.g solma) is one of the most loyal ones out there. it doesnt get realer than her. if you know her, or if youre associated with her, youre lucky asf. she wont switch up ever, she tha biggest balla/rapper, eazy-e can vouch this.

dude #1 - im friends with solma tha real g
dude #2 - damn fr? shes sucha real chola bro
dude #1 - yea! shes never switched up on me bro, she never snitches either

dude #2 - damn shes so gangsta for that

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What does "tha g" mean?

A code of conduct and honor that is expected from a gangster or honorable male.

I ain't tellin those pigs shit! I'm stickin to tha g code.

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Tha g - what does it mean?

tha G is an entity which can be best described as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Some of the abilities it has include, but aren't limited to: instant transmission, mindreading, time control, and levitation. Often it takes the form of the victim's worst nightmare, and passes judgement to those who have wronged the path of tha G.


Tha G: 10011111
Kasra: Aum
Tha G : Tha G

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