Definder - what does the word mean?

What is test failed?

The surreal anticipatory period of uncertainty and apprehension during which the real-time performance of a road-side sobriety test hangs in the balance between spectacular, unbelievable success and crushing, hopeless defeat.

Just look at her; she's tryin' her BEST to walk heel-to-toe, watch-the-movin' cop finger, cartwheel, back-flip and hand-stand. Right now she's in Sobriety Test Fear-Fail...better call in the lawyers anyway...

👍85 👎19

test failed - video


Test failed - what is it?

When you drop and 8-ball, run out of ink, touch enemy ink, break the orb, break a fail balloon, run out of time oh my fucking god, and like 10 other creative ways for C.Q Cumber to kill you

You ran out of ink, test failed

👍25 👎11