Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stuff me?

Its sperm

Eww whats this sticky stuff on me

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stuff me - video


Stuff me - what is it?

Aussie slang used when a situation doesnโ€™t go accordingly; to express anger/displeasure.

When building a fence and a paling falls off: โ€œAh stuff me mushrooms!โ€

When BBQing and a kookaburra steals a sausage: โ€œStuff me mushrooms!โ€

If youโ€™re hammering a nail and you hit your finger: โ€œFucking cunt! Stuff me bloody mushrooms!โ€

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What does "stuff me" mean?

Eat me, suck me, etc

Hey, why donโ€™t you come over my place later and stuff me ;)

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