Definder - what does the word mean?

What is strongest avenger?

The strongest avenger is in fact Thor Odinson as it is shown in Infinity Wat

Dude: Do you know who is the strongest avenger? I think is The hulk
Me: Nah mate, the strongest avenger is Thor Odinson

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strongest avenger - video


Strongest avenger - what is it?

The Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) is the strongest avenger, hands down. โ€œScarlet Witch is the strongest MCU heroโ€, says Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige.

Wanda couldโ€™ve taken Thanos down on her own! She really does deserve the title of the strongest avenger.

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What does "strongest avenger" mean?

bruce banner, also known as the hulk. as seen in โ€œthor ragnarockโ€

computer: welcome voice activation required.
bruce banner: banner
computer: welcome strongest avenger.

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