Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stock trading?

Exchanging food stamps for a lower cash value.

He gave me a hunnert dollas of food stamps fo fitty.

Yo man. That's some ghetto stock trading

👍39 👎11

stock trading - video

Stock trading - what is it?

Buying and selling pieces(stocks) of a company's overall worth. The stock holder owns a piece of the company and is paid a portion of the company's profits every year or quarter year, based on the number of stock they have. Because stock prices change often, you can also make money by buying a stock at a cheaper price than you sell it for.

Jason was stock trading online and bought 1,000 shares of stock from Microsoft, for 20 dollars each, investing $20,000. Two weeks later, Microsoft shares are worth 25 dollars each. Jason can sell them for a profit of $5000.

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