Definder - what does the word mean?

What is statefarm?

A shit stain so dense that even your insurance provider couldn't cover it.

Chadley: Yo man I need some help, my suit's got a statefarm shit stain!
Basil: If there isn't anything Statefarm can do, I can't help!
Chadley: It's fuckin' everywhere man...

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Statefarm - what is it?

It's an evil car insurance company. You know that commercial where the fisherman is like "YOU GOTTA BE QUICKER THAN THAT!!!!" Well, that's what StateFarm does to you. They are only so big cause of their advertising. Instead, switch to GEICO, who can really save you money. In 15 minutes, you could save 15% or more on car insurance. So don't choose StateFarm. Instead, switch to GEICO

StateFarm is scheming to take over the world and end it as we know it.

👍33 👎19

What does "statefarm" mean?

A nickname sometimes given to people named jake. This is because of the famous Jake from Statefarm adds.

Wazz up, Statefarm

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