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What is st clair?

The best township in Pittsburgh by far...Noted for its stubborn parents and insane sports fanatics...and Sean Lee

Dude 1: Upper St. Clair beat Mt. Lebanon last night?
Dude 2: Again? It seems like they always win at everything!
Dude 1: Dude, that's because they do!

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st clair - video


St clair - what is it?

The name that Homer changes Marge's name to on the Simpsons.

Modelled after famed porn queen Jasmine St. Clair.

Homer also entertains: Chesty LaRue, and Hootie McBoob as options to name marge

"Busty St. Clair is a very suitable porn name"

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What does "st clair" mean?

Upper St. Clair is a wealthy suburb in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Upper St. Clair is known for snobby rich kids and hot β€œmilfs”. The typical Upper St. Clair student can be found acting as if he is from the "ghetto", yet their tinted windows are the darkest thing that they have seen. Every kid from 7th to 12th grade talks of smoking weed but the closest any of them have gotten to grass is their freshly cut, Mexican made, perfect front lawn. It is a place where your older brother determines your popularity and status in life; for instance when one student is faced with a fight from one of the neighboring community the common response will be β€œDo you know my brother” or β€œYo I will get my brotha up in here.” Upper St. Clair is known for better looking girls then the neighboring communities, with their fake hair always colored dark to support their poor athletic programs. Although, There has been success in the past, Render is still one of the most useless coaches you can find, but rival Mt. Lebanon and other communities, that share the same hatred, still continue to tower over them in basketball and lacrosse.

Upper St. Clair Students: "Yo dog you be hittin the bong today"
"Ya man we's be doin'this shit all day"
Mt. Lebanon Student: "Wait your still white"
Upper St. Clair: "Wat you sayin I will get my OLDA brotha"
Mt. lebanon: "Still white....."

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St clair - what does it mean?

When the rear waistband of a person's underwear is pulled completely over that person's head in such a manner as to cause death by ligature strangulation. Named after Denver Lee St. Clair, whose death was partially attributed to such a wedgie. cf. 'atomic wedgie', a similar non-lethal wedgie variant.

Hand over your wallet before I give you a wedgie St. Clair.

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St clair - meaning

A county in Northeast Alabama, the place where country livin' is at its best! Unlike all the other counties in Alabama, St. Clair Co. has two county seats, Ashville and Pell City.

"I live in St. Clair County and I enjoy it!"

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St clair - definition

For a male to perform oral sex on another male at a unrinal in an open area of a bathroom for everyone to see.

Man, I walked into the bathroom and this dude was giving another guy a St. Clair, I was in shock but I soon realized I was in a gay bar.

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St clair - slang

A suburb in Western Sydney where you will find Lads, Bogans and many ethnic people. It's best advised that you do not visit during the evening and night as the lads and eshays will fight anyone in sight. Fights between teenage boys always happen in the skate bowl. The bogans frequent the local McDonalds and do stupid shit which is why there is now security guards. The area is constantly patrolled by the coppers but crime is still rampant.

Person 1: Oh did you hear about the daughter who beheaded her mother in St Clair the other day?
Person 2: Yeah, best be steering clear of that shit hole!

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St clair

The most amazing last name a human being can ever be born into. The name itself just breeds winners. The reason for this is because of the legend named in "The DaVinci Code"
the legend states that people named St. Clair are descendant of Jesus Christ, allegedly giving them the power of said figure. There is also a clan known as the St. Clair Clan whose entire purpose is to get drunk and enjoy life.

when most people say to make it rain they mean to throw around lots of money, when St. Clair's say make it rain floods happen... yeah.

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St clair

Also known as Skank Clair:
A small town in Missouri, approximately 50 miles west-southwest of Saint Louis. Saint Clair received this moniker from:
1.) being the methamphetamine capital of the United States during the late 1990's
2.) the enormous amount of bitchy fat people with hideously tacky tattoos who live in St. Clair
3.) the tendency for the girls of the town to become pregnant and drop out of St. Clair High School, just like their mothers, thus perpetuating the process of what we know as St. Clair.

people in nearby towns dread having to pass through St. Clair because they might contract an std through the air.

man, there's nothing to do in St. Clair.

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St clair

One of the rougher areas of Cleveland, Ohio, located on the northeast part of the city. It is best know as the home of rap group Bone Thugs 'n Harmony.

Don't fuck with the St. Clair thugs, son.

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