Definder - what does the word mean?

What is special special?

a seriously awesome blow job.

Honey, can I have a special special for my birthday?

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special special - video


Special special - what is it?

1. Someone or something so uniquely idiotic or just downright "special" I can only be described as being a Special Speciality

2. A posh insult used between friends.

Did you see what Joe did?! what a Special Speciality

Joey Essex Is such a special speciality you know..

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What does "special special" mean?

Someone who is very special :)

Bro, that guy over there is specially special

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Special special - what does it mean?

1. A person who seems slow or stupid at times without actually being mentally retarded.

2. Something that is considered sub-par or lower-than-average poor quality.

"Have you met my new girlfriend? I think she's kind of special."
"Dude, your new girlfriend is a Special Kind of Special."

"Have you seen how people drive around here? It's a special kind of special!"

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Special special - meaning

A special that is on a special

Becky: Wow that was on special 2 days ago for $45 now its $30 why?
Store owner: It's a special-special!

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