Definder - what does the word mean?

What is socjus?

A blanket term referring to the social justice warrior (SJW) culture and their agitators, affiliates and benefactors in the media and society at large. Refers to similarities between their arguments and methodology and those of the dystopia described in George Orwell's novel 1984 and it's ruling government Engsoc including extreme group think, double speak, intimidation and obvious lies.

In example: "The folks at Socjus issued another hit piece aimed at Gamergate today." or "SocJus anti-sex league advises that even consensual sex is still rape." or "SocJus declares gamers should be killed in gas chambers."

"Socjus advises that facts and evidence are opressive."

"SocJus anti-sex league advises that even consensual sex is still rape."
"SocJus declares gamers should be killed in gas chambers."

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