Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shuffling cards?

To have a good wank

Dave: Aaron what’s ur favourite category on the hub
Aaron: ooooooofs I love shuffling my cards to a bit of lesbian massage

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shuffling cards - video

Shuffling cards - what is it?

To Finger someone’s booty or vagina with both of your thumbs and open it.

Paul: Aye man last night was crazy! She let me shuffle her cards!

Brian: Daymn she let you shuffle her cards!

Shuffle her cards like fingering her ?rright?
Paul: Yehh man!

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What does "shuffling cards" mean?

Part of a common refrain when someone, typically a social justice warrior, complains about some other group of people doing something they do not like. The complaint is often something completely random and more often than not, utterly trivial. It tends to be related to the fictional concept of cultural appropriation, but it can be about any random complaint.

The implication is that the complainer is simply venting their own hatred towards their target group, and is looking for any excuse to spout their own bigotry.

Complainer: Using a fork and putting a napkin in your lap at a Chinese restaurant is racist and clear white supremacy!

Response: Those damn white people and their...

shuffles deck, draws card,

silverware and table manners.

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Shuffling cards - what does it mean?

Phrase meaning someone is being a tool and needs to stop doing so.

Guy One-Man, Mike is such a terd.
Guy Two-Yeah, he really needs to shuffle the tool cards.

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Shuffling cards - meaning

when the person whomstdve is slobbing on thy knob jerks thy shaft whilst fiddling yonder coin purse

"Man he really shuffled my cards."
"Sandra's so poor she's shuffling cards for the mafia."

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