Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shlome?

The act of beating and getting beaten by your hooker prostitute

My hooker and I had a minor discrepancy on her pricing and a Vince Shlome of a night it became.

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Shlome - what is it?

When people are going skiing and snowboarding. Shloming is used if you don't want to say we are going skiing and snowboarding.

"We're all going skiing and he's going snowboarding with us."
"You mean you're going Shloming?"

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What does "shlome" mean?

Shloming is a revolutionary term that combines both terms, skiing and snowboarding, into one thuggin-ass word instead of spending the time spelling out what you're doing tomorrow just say, "we're shlomin snitches!"

Wrong Way:
Tommy: "Hey Bro, what are you doin tomorrow?"
Uninformed Ski Bro: "Oh well I'll be shredding with my skis but my friend will be snowboarding."

Right Way:
Tommy: "Hey Bro, what are you doin tomorrow?"
Informed Ski Bro: "Me and my boy be shloming it up in Vaile."

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Shlome - what does it mean?

The act of taking a huge shit, right after you eat.

"Daniel I just took the fattest Shlome right after burned a little bit"

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