Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sexperate?

A sexually based act or gesture done out of desperation rather than authentic intent. Typically due to boredom not loneliness.

I just sent a text to my ex, the dude who won’t text me back and the last guy I slept with out of sexperation.

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Sexperate - what is it?

When there is a definite end date to your sexual encounter. Two people involved in a sexual experience that has an end date due to location, timing, marriage, etc.

Oh man, I really dig this chick, but she is moving to Staten Island next week, so there is a sexperation date to our relationship.

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What does "sexperate" mean?

1. An older single person treading the fine line between looking sexy and looking desperate.
2.This look.

Even though she was in her forties, Jane plumped for the shorter skirt and high heels. A night at a singles evening called for the sexperate look.

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