Definder - what does the word mean?

What is school showers?

Unleashing an entire can of axe body spray on your prepubescent body en lieu of taking an actual fucking shower

“Don’t worry bro, just take a quick middle school shower before you go out.”

“You can smell Greg’s middle school shower from across the room.”

👍27 👎11

school showers - video


School showers - what is it?

The school gym shower in middle school. It is the first time students are forced to get naked and shower around their friends and classmates at school. Older schools have a communal shower, in which no one can hide anything, and anyone can see how developed their classmates have gotten in terms of dick/boob size and public hair. Some students are humiliated by this, while others are proud to show off. Reactions to erections can vary - sometimes they are ridiculed, and sometimes they cause other students to get erections.

Jacob: Did you enjoy the middle school shower?

James: I did! I had the biggest dick of all my classmates! What about you?

Jacob: I didn't have any pubic hair at the beginning, so I got teased, and I got an erection almost every day, no matter how hard I tried not to.

👍69 👎13

What does "school showers" mean?

A horribly degrading place where teen boys are suggested to shower in front of their peers. No one does it except during gym class swimming units which happen once a year. During this yearly ritual boys strip naked (except the smart ones who change in private and don't shower) and shower together. Usually they talk about penis size and what not but overall they act like immature kids.

This is only true in high school and in college guys use them to, you know, shower!

HS Guy A: C'mon man we're done swimming let's go get naked and shower!!!
HS Guy B: Yeah, and we can laugh at our friend with a small penis and act like idiots in the school showers!

College Guy A: Dude, I'll be back later, I gotta go shower.
College Guy B: Okay man, I'll catch up with you later.

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