Definder - what does the word mean?

What is schmurr's?

a word used to reflect an emotion. in using different tones in the voice when saying this word you can create happy schmurr's, sad schmurr's or even drunken schmurr's !! schmurr is a term derived from the middle of the midlands and is becoming a national phenomenon reaching as far down as Bath.

oh nooo! ive lost my bootclip, schmurrrr!!!!

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schmurr's meme gif

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Schmurr's - what is it?

n. 1. An overused equivalent to an air horn.
2. (with hierarchy A scale of weirdness, with schmurr-cow being super noob.
Synonyms: meow
Antonyms: le woof, doge

1.Dave: I just got some free money!
Dave: ??

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