Definder - what does the word mean?

What is santry?

Sensualy licking the ejaculate from a male party off of the palm of ones hand, all while making very direct eye contact.

just pull a dirty santry, baby girl.

👍81 👎33

santry - meme gif

santry meme gif

santry - video


Santry - what is it?

a suburb in the kip called dublin. famed for scumbags and shootings. not a nice place to live. one good thing about it is it has an omniplex..
they support the queen and fly the union jack

graham lives here in santry

👍29 👎51

What does "santry" mean?

someone with extremely racist, anti-Semite, and homophobic views

person 1: i hate blacks, jews, and gays
person 2: awww, man, don't be a santry!

👍47 👎19