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What is sandbox vanilla?

a crappy Garry's Mod server

i played on sandbox vanilla today, worst experience of my life

👍35 👎27

sandbox vanilla - video


Sandbox vanilla - what is it?

A Garry's Mod (gmod like some say) server released in the summer of 2020. The server is in London (United-Kindom) and the player base is little kids and Russians. Or both.

As the name of the server says, it is vanilla with a few exceptions.

The server also has a discord server where you can get yourself a shooter role, a builder role, VIP (by donating 5€ via PayPal) or trusted. After you get trusted or VIP you can apply for moderator.

The server has a pretty good moderating team of (as of 31st of March) 11 moderators including 1 headmod Gustav.

In the gmod server, you can make bases, raid bases, shoot people and make friends.

in the discord server you can: shitpost in #nsfw, argue in #general, report Russian hackers in #reports, in #suggestions you can suggest cs 1.6 weapons to be removed (you can also suggest things and get them denied), in #questions you can.... umm.. ask?, in #screenshots, you can send screenshots of your moments in the sandbox vanilla gmod server and maybe get a chance of getting your picture in the loading screen of the server, in #(VIP channel) you can REDACTED. There are also a few voice channels where you can listen to music (not talk because of REDACTED.

The owner of the server is Zombie Extinguisher.

player1: Yo, wanna go on sandbox vanilla?
player2: Yeah!

(in server)
russian kid in vc: BLYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!!

👍61 👎15