Definder - what does the word mean?

What is richelle?

a very unique name, typically a mix of the two names "richard" and "michele". also, a very beautiful woman.

wow, richele is very beautiful and unique

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richelle - meme gif

richelle meme gif

richelle - video


Richelle - what is it?

Beautiful and the most caring induvidual. God especially looks over people with this name. Most compatible with men with the name Ejay.

Damn that girl is Hella RICHEL!

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What does "richelle" mean?

Most likely bi and is very attractive but is very insecure of all her physical and emotional features. She is very very shy but once you get her out of her she’ll she is the most energetic and caring person in the whole world. She fidgets a lot because of all the insecurities that she thinks are pointed towards her.She is Richelle and that’s the most beautiful things about her. Her being herself and that’s the most beautiful work of art ever

I love Richelle

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Richelle - what does it mean?

A woman who never stops suprising you. A living, breathing wonderful contradiction. Smiley, sad eyes. Gentle,tough as fucking nails. Will tell you anything you want to know, but you will never know her.This woman is a friend you want to have...loyal to a fault,even after having been betrayed. Kind to everyone, but will fight like a damn warrior for those she loves.Once you finally get past the ten foot wall around're glad you made the effort.Sexy,innocent.Shy,outgoing.Fast, takes her sweet time.Oldfashioned,cutting edge.Yin.Yang.

GIRL ONE: Hey, have you met Richelle? She is an awesome chick!She is always smiley!

Girl2: Richelle? She is a total bitch! Won't even talk to anyone!Too shy for me.and too fucking old fashioned!

Girl ONE: Really? Are we talking about the same Richelle? She is full of suprises!

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Richelle - meaning

Richell's are usually found to be very down-to-earth and strikingly beautiful and flirtatious. Richell's are rare and when found, can bring you all the happiness or hell that you desire, it all depends on how you treat this gorgeous girl. But do not take her kindness for granted, she's not one to fuck around with.

Boy#1 She is so richell

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Richelle - definition


omg! richelle is such a whale!

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Richelle - slang

a evil rich and powerful ruler. one of those kind.

wow you were such a richelle today!

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richelle is so fucking hot mannn like goddamnnn mamcitaaa issa so spicyyyy. all the guys jack off to every recent she post on the gram cuz shes the hottest bitch around. she will steal your mans, shes funny, gorgeous, and can fuck you all day anytime anywhere. shes kinda stupid but that's okay cuz shes still hot. shes hella goofy yo like shes the girl of my dreams.

person 1: yo whos that new girl Richelle
person 2: shes gonna be mine yo shes such a babe

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the baddest hott mommma that walk the earth!!!!She can dance like are rockstar as well rock your body in the afraid to tussle with her because she's got all the seductive moves to steal your man@@@

damn...look at the richelle chick..i bet she's a good lay with those moves!!!!

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friendly, jolly, unique, loyal, humble, attractive, naive at times, ambitious, persistant, dedicated, intelligent, efficient, humourous, aggressive at times, bold, creative, hard working, loving, caring , loves to sleep , fair, just, peacemaker, cheeky

' wow! ' he said, ' u worked like a richelle today.'

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