Definder - what does the word mean?

What is renatas?

a female who is bad, and she knows it. A Renata displays unparalleled levels of audacious behavior and always gets what she wants. A true Renata has better style, hair, and taste then you. She is smart and most of the time works alone. She has more depth than people expect. She will sleep with your brother, and then sleep with you, keep both of your testicles pickled in a jar on her desk and laugh evily every time she looks at them.


Jenny: What happened?

Lauren: Madison just Renata'd Steve awaaay from me!
Jenny: What?

Lauren: She used her undeniable charm, wit, and beauty in order to steal my boyfriend and now i'm crying alone and ugly!


George: Dude. i can't believe we both slept with renata.

Steve: Yeah, seriously.

George: i miss her everyday though. that was the best i've ever had.

Steve: true, true.

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renatas - meme gif

renatas meme gif

renatas - video


Renatas - what is it?

Renata is the best best friend ever . Beautiful, awesome , fantastic . She has a very good imagination !

Someone - Hi Renata

- ( hugs from Renata )

Someone - oh thank you , but you don’t really know me

Renata - and ?

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What does "renatas" mean?

renata is one hell of a girl she is very atractive and smart, she could sometimes be a little of a pussy, if you know any girl named renata you will instantly fall in love with her, she kisses awsome and she is great in bed

i like renata

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Renatas - what does it mean?

Means reborn. It comes from the italian verb Nascere (to be born). In past tense, it becomes nata (feminine) or nato (masculine). Adding the prefix "re" is basically the same as english. put it together? Renata=reborn.

Since Nata is feminine, it is a name given to, you guessed it, girls. It's an older Italian name, but slowly on the comeback.

Hi, I'm a girl, I'm Italian, and my name is Renata. Any questions?

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Renatas - meaning

A bubbly and over talkative girl who knows she's way too loud and peppy. A heartbreaker, who denies the fact that boys fall for her within an instant.

Julie: Hey! That guy is so into you! You should go talk to him!
Renata: Nah, he doesn't like me like that. But I am pretty darn awesome, no?

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Renatas - definition

A really nice girl with a big heart you is very friendly but is very wild she awesome in every way she is a good friend

Renata:let’s go hang out at a party yasss!!

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Renatas - slang

A friend you can count on.

WHy can't you be more like renata?

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Renata is a bad bitch and SHE KNOWS IT she the one who put up with your bullshit.Also a Renata loves to damn hard and end up with broken heart.If a Renata is giving everything to make you stay believe me she truly loves you.Also don’t get fooled she can be a heart breaker too.She is gorgeous,nice but sometimes mean but also funny as hell and smart peolpe might call A Renata stupid but joke on you she just fooling by thinking that she really dumb when she is not.ALSO DONT GET ON HER BAD SIDE.If a Renata truly loves you and you let her go and you come back is probably the day she stop caring for you.Also never call this girl a hoe or slut even she might be acting she doesn’t care because she doesn’t anyone to see the pain she carry in her broken heart.

Alexa-Mann Levi broke Renata heart but Renata still always runs back to him
Olivia-Let be honest Renata doesn’t him she just need to realize that he not the one for her even tho she loves him but he only using her as a joke

Alexa-your right Renata is going realize how badly he treats her.

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Renata is a baddie, she is full of love but if you mess with her she will cut your dick off. Renata is a dark haired Latina with a great body and not only that but with a great personality. She is a great person to hang out with, she is the definition of a ride or die. She is full of hoes so if you think she’s loosing interest... she is and the probably already sleeping with another dude. She can get any dude that she wants even though she will deny it and say that no one likes her. She is crazy and loves to party. She is hilarious and kind but if you get her mad she will kill you. She will make other bitches mad cause she is THAT bitch that everyone wants.

Joey: Renata is such a baddie

Anna: she don’t like you

Joey: I know she’s too pretty

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A heartbreaker, who denies the fact that boys fall for her within an instant.
Renatas give the most amazing hugs and are awesome kissers. You are very lucky if you have a Renata in your life.
Renata is a girl that might be the sweetest human being to walk the earth.
She is always there for you. Caring, thoughtful, loving, always looking out for you. She loves to please, is super sweet, and will do anything to make those she loves happy. She's been through so much more than anyone can ever imagine and you can talk to her about any problem. She also has the best taste in music.

Julie: Hey! That guy is so into you! You should go talk to him!

Renata: Nah, he doesn't like me like that. But I am pretty darn awesome, no?

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