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What is redneck cars?

Bottle or can Bud Light -Natty Light and Keystone Light both acceptable - with a shot of Jack Daniel’s dropped in.

Coca-Cola floater for pussies.

Go DAWGS let’s go get us sum dem redneck car bombs! Tits out for the DAWGS.

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redneck cars - video


Redneck cars - what is it?

To cover your truck and / or other 4x4 vehicle and maybe yourself in mud.

Guy 1: "Hey wanna go muddin Saturday?"
Guy 2: "Sure, my truck could use a redneck car wash."

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What does "redneck cars" mean?

A rain storm is approching and your car is dirty, so you decide to leave your car out so it gets washed by the storm.

Guy 1: "Man, your car is filthy!"
Guy 2: "Yeah, but it's supposed to rain tonight so I'll just leave it out side and hit up the redneck car wash."

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Redneck cars - what does it mean?

When you wash your entire truck with the window cleaning squeegee at the gas station.

Hey Rick do you see that guy right there giving his truck a redneck car wash?

Yeah Lizz, so much for cleaning your windows, unless you have 45 minutes to wait for the squeegee?

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Redneck cars - meaning

Three junkyard dogs sitting in your car with the windows open.

Ever since I got a redneck car alarm, nobody has stolen my stereo.

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Redneck cars - definition

Chevy Camaro from 1980-2002

If you drive a redneck car that has a type of mullet named after it, you might be a redneck. see Camaro Cut

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Redneck cars - slang

mostly 60s-70s american muscle cars in bad condition tuned with cheap aftermarket parts.

- giant hood-scoops
- cheap paint job (often primer paint)
- army bumper sticker
- rust all over it


A: Hey, look at that old, rusty Trans Am with that giant hood-scoop! What a hillbilly.
B: Yeah, there's a junkyard full of redneck cars a few miles away.

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