Definder - what does the word mean?

What is rayjay?

When your thoughts run wild and you start thinking so many thoughts while you're unaware, that if you were to become aware of those thoughts, you would find them quite silly.

Rage - y : The feeling when somebody is in a rage

Person 1: "I'm sorry, I stopped listening to what you were saying halfway through, could you repeat that?"
Person 2: "What do you mean you stopped listening halfway through? Why would you just stop listening to me?"
Person 1: "I was Rayjay man. Just starting thinking about that girl that walked behind you, then I saw a squirrel jump onto the roof and then I started thinking about what it would be like to be a squirrel instead of a human... Total Rayjay moment. My bad"

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rayjay - meme gif

rayjay meme gif

rayjay - video


Rayjay - what is it?

Fat, dumb, misognistic, narcissistic ugly teenager with a childish mind and a penis which cant work nor ejaculate to save his life.

"Cum in me baby"
I cant my dicks pulling an RayJay

*Rubs up against him*
"Why arent you getting hard"
My penis is diagnosed with RayJay

I fucking hate Anthony Aflak?
Why do you hate him?
His face purposely just fucking pisses me off the disgusting rat squirrel looking fucker

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