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What is ragebait?

A person that is addicted to feeling self-righteous rage stemming from a victim mindset. The have little to no understanding of the issues they champion beyond what they read in memes from the social media influencers they follow. They share these angry memes like mindless drones and identify with them, even if its for causes that would harm them personally, because they get a dopamine hit from being part of a wider social movement and fear being ostracized for thinking for themselves.

Ragebait Meme Drone: "Go Hamas!! Free Palestine from the River to the Sea! Stop Genocide!"
Person 2: "Aren't you LGBT? A feminist? Me too?"
Ragebait Meme Drone: "Yes! So?!"
Person 2: "You're literally supporting an organization that kills LGBT, subjugates women and whose whole purpose is genocide."
Ragebait Meme Drone: "How dare you talk about Hamas like that!? BLM told me to love them and go on dates with them!"

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ragebait - video

Ragebait - what is it?

a post on the internet that is designed specifically to make people enraged, and to get someone to comment something mean and/or negative. some ragebaiters will do this even if they don't agree with the post they made.

synonyms: trolling

never fall for ragebait. as they say, don't feed the animals!

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