Definder - what does the word mean?

What is precog?

Short for pocket precognition: (1) n. the experience of pulling your phone out of your pocket thinking that you felt it vibrate, finding that it did not, and putting it back in your pocket only to feel it vibrate for real; (2) n. a person having the gift of pocket precognition.

Martin pulled his iPhone from his pants pocket when he felt it vibrate. But when he looked at it, he had no new notifications. He put his iPhone back in his pocket, and it immediately vibrated with a new Facebook notification.

That's some freaky pocket precog.

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precog - meme gif

precog meme gif

precog - video

Precog - what is it?

one who predicts the future; term derived from the movie "Minority Report"; can be used as an adjective and/or noun

Man, I'm precog! I knew you were really just an alien from the planet Jimeroo that liked to act like a bruno for the sake of fitting in. You're good. But I'm better. I'm precog.

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