Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pop up ads?

A window that pops up on the screen suddenly, often without warning, advertising something. Nobody ever actually buys what the pop-up is advertising. They're just annoying pieces of crap. Some people create ones that install malware or other unwanted files onto a user's computer.

In other words, an embodiment of Satan.

I clicked the download button for a file on Megaupload and a pop-up ad came up advertising a free iPad. I knew it had to be a scam, so I tried to close it, but it wouldn't close. So I had to close Firefox in Task Manager, but that closed ALL running Firefox processes, not just the pop-up ad. Freakin' annoying.

👍55 👎17

pop up ads - video


Pop up ads - what is it?

the pre-cursor to pop-under ads

when I closed the browser I found a thousand pop-under ads

👍65 👎19

What does "pop up ads" mean?

1. Ads that no single person would even consider considering. Why must they even exist?
2. Synonymous to the words 'annoying', 'blinding', 'frustrating' and 'crash'.

I got pop-up added on of the future.

👍99 👎27

Pop up ads - what does it mean?

Some fucking stupid shit that shows up every time your about to search something and you click on the ad because it popped up out of fucking no where.

“Pop up ads suck! They almost started World War 3!”

👍25 👎13

Pop up ads - meaning

The reason the internet sucks.

Pop up ads are FUCKING ANNOYING.

👍95 👎55

Pop up ads - definition

Fucking annoying scripts make by some homo sexual homo

man Im getting alot of pop up adds, theyre fucking annoying.

👍137 👎75

Pop up ads - slang

annoying little shits

I opened up the site, and all these pop up ads came up

👍267 👎37

Pop up ads

the plague that annoys the shit out of me on the internet

pop up ads are rlly annoying

👍123 👎13