Definder - what does the word mean?

What is polyphony?

A person who pretends to have multiple lovers in an effort to impress others but really is not with anyone.

Isn't it interesting how none of Joe's friends have ever met any of the multiple women he claims to be dating simultaneously? He is so polyphony!

👍25 👎11

polyphony - meme gif

polyphony meme gif

polyphony - video


Polyphony - what is it?

A greedy corporate empire specializing in sticking it to their customers without the use of anal lubricant. Known for creating the greatest video game known to man, then destroying it after ripping off many thousands of hard working blue collars. These people have mastered the art of dangling the carrot, giveth then taketh away, and good old fashioned thievery.

Aww, man. You purchased a video game from scumbags who made it "pay to win" with micro transactions AFTER the sale? At least you have a game to play. What's this? They had this overpriced game server down for nearly 24 hours and it's online only? That's crazy talk. Say what? They nerfed any chance to earn credit without micro transactions? Get outta here.. only Polyphony Digital would do something that scummy. Oh, you purchased Gran Turismo 7? I'm sorry..

👍25 👎11