Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pipping?

used to describe something really cool

”At the studio with a pip idea, thinking about how to bring it to fruition.” Mariah Carey

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pipping meme gif

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Pipping - what is it?

Noun: Short for "Post Injection Pain" - A common term used in the anabolic steroid community. Pip can take the form of a dull ache, muscle sensitivity, bruising, soreness, and occasionally mild swelling.

The pip from the Winny injections were so much worse than the Test-C.

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What does "pipping" mean?

1. Fictional main character in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

2. Spot or other thingy on a card, domino, or die

3. Little seeds

3. I got pips stuck in my teeth.

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Pipping - what does it mean?

Pip is a common street drug, also known as ice, crack, cold, rock whatever...
You'll find pip heads down at centrelink or up at 5am scraping around on the floor for more pip because Pip is all they think about

And generally if you see a pip head, tell them there's a some crazy guy giving free pip away around the corner, and then run the other way!

Its appropriate when Pips around to insert Pip into every conversation just to concur that you are all in fact, Pippin of your head
"Hey, can u pass me the Pip plz?" "Sure, but first I need to Pip coz Pip just keeps calling me n I told Pip to Pip off before i really lose my pip!"

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Pipping - meaning

Brit slang. To say something is easy. Used mainly by little kids in school

a) How did you do on that test?
b) It was pips man. I aced it.

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Pipping - definition

(1) A pain in the ass.
(2) A real character.
(3) Someone who tends to be difficult, but still likeable.

(1) Boy that postal worker was rudely sarcastic - a real fucking pip.
(2) That guy over there is being overly friendly to everyone, asking them all sorts of questions, and just being too social in a weird way. Seems like a real pip.
(3) My wife was acting like a real pip last night, but of course, I still love her.

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Pipping - slang

Pip is the best person alive and an even greater friend! You’d be lucky to have them by your side!

β€œHello Pip! I hope you find this and smile.”

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Performance Improvement Plan. A document given to an employee within a company to set up paperwork to legally fire the employee and protect the company against potential lawsuits under the guise of improving performance. By the time this document is given, management has almost definitely decided to terminate the employee. Used as a slang to indicate someone is being/was fired.

Person 1: Where did Tom go?
Person 2: Didn't you hear? He got pipped out of here, that's why his LinkedIn profile has an end date here.
Person 1: Wow no wonder he just disappeared.

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Colloquial English phrase for goodbye

A: We'll be in touch. i'm just about to watch a recording of Arsenal smashing the shit out of wigan

B: Enjoy! Pip pip!

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Mock-pompous English greeting which conveys jocular familiarity on the recipient. Sometimes used in conjunction with "What ho!" and "Old bean" for maximum effect. Derived from PG Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster.

Edmund: All right, where is the malingering git?
George: Hello, Cap! Pip pip, Balders! Here I lie.

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